DNotes LLC

DNotes LLC

Drupal development, hosting, and consulting


Maintaining an in-house Drupal install profile (aka distribution)

A few years back, when Drupal 6 was gearing up for showtime, one of the major working points was making the install profile system easier to navigate for developers. A Drupal install profile, also known as a distribution, allows you to specify an initial setup for Drupal, including both core and contributed modules, and setting up configurations for them.

US Bahá’í Directory

July - August 2010, May 2013

The United States Bahá’í community numbers in the hundreds of thousands of members in almost 10,000 localities around the country, and the national office wanted a website to highlight local Bahá’í communities.

This Site - DNotes LLC

October 1, 2010 / June 8, 2013

I threw this site together because I needed a place to showcase the things I'm doing with Drupal. My portfolio shows a few projects that I've worked on and can share.

Website Incubator

May 2010 - Present

The Local Bahá'í Community Website Incubator is a Drupal installation profile geared toward providing local Baha'i communities with a no-hassle, cookie-cutter website. At present over 40 local community sites run on the platform.

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