DNotes LLC

DNotes LLC

Drupal development, hosting, and consulting

Local Website Incubator

Community Website Incubator new release goodness

Today there is a new release of the Community Website Incubator, and lots of new features made it into this version! After your site is updated, you'll enjoy the following benefits:

Social sharing widgets

If you enable the "Social integration" module, you'll now have the web's ubiquitous social sharing buttons, including Facebook's "like" button, Twitter share, and Google +1.

Exciting new features for the Incubator install profile

We're very happy to announce some major new features for the Incubator install profile. These features should be available to all sites using versions 1.0-beta17 and up.

Private content

You can enable the "Private Content" module by going to the "Modules" page in the administrative toolbar.

Once it's enabled, you will see a new checkbox on the form whenever you create or edit content entitled "Make this content private". Selecting that option will restrict access to that piece of content across your entire site.

Media Boot Camp at Green Acre Feb 14-17 2013

The "Media Boot Camp" held at Green Acre in February 2013 helped several local communities start websites on the Local Community Website Incubator platform and begin a process of content strategy. Around 25 people attended, mainly from communities along the East Coast, and many sessions were streamed live to viewers across the country.

If you would like to know more about the Incubator, feel free to contact David.

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