DNotes LLC

DNotes LLC

Drupal development, hosting, and consulting


Drupal simpletests on BOA aegir vagrant box

Like a good little developer, I've written automated tests for my modules and distributions using the Simpletest framework. They have saved me from releasing defective code on one or two occasions. Lately, however, it's become increasingly complicated to get those tests to run on my BOA Aegir Vagrant dev environment. So, I'm writing these notes to remind myself what to do.

tl;dr: Disable open_basedir for PHP and turn off Redis and Speed Booster caching.

Maintaining an in-house Drupal install profile (aka distribution)

A few years back, when Drupal 6 was gearing up for showtime, one of the major working points was making the install profile system easier to navigate for developers. A Drupal install profile, also known as a distribution, allows you to specify an initial setup for Drupal, including both core and contributed modules, and setting up configurations for them.

Website Incubator

May 2010 - Present

The Local Bahá'í Community Website Incubator is a Drupal installation profile geared toward providing local Baha'i communities with a no-hassle, cookie-cutter website. At present over 40 local community sites run on the platform.

Quick and dirty migration to new Aegir platform

I've been trying out the managed Aegir mini offering by Omega8.cc, and been quite happy with it. A few days ago I got a message that I needed to migrate them over to another platform because they weren't on a Pressflow-based Drupal 6 platform. These are sites that I haven't touched for a long time - apparently, in fact, since before I started using Pressflow. So then: how to migrate the sites without spending a lot of time on them? I decided to just move all the code into each site's folder and then migrate. Here's how to do it:

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