DNotes LLC

DNotes LLC

Drupal development, hosting, and consulting


Drupal simpletests on BOA aegir vagrant box

Like a good little developer, I've written automated tests for my modules and distributions using the Simpletest framework. They have saved me from releasing defective code on one or two occasions. Lately, however, it's become increasingly complicated to get those tests to run on my BOA Aegir Vagrant dev environment. So, I'm writing these notes to remind myself what to do.

tl;dr: Disable open_basedir for PHP and turn off Redis and Speed Booster caching.

US Bahá’í Directory

July - August 2010, May 2013

The United States Bahá’í community numbers in the hundreds of thousands of members in almost 10,000 localities around the country, and the national office wanted a website to highlight local Bahá’í communities.

Website Incubator

May 2010 - Present

The Local Bahá'í Community Website Incubator is a Drupal installation profile geared toward providing local Baha'i communities with a no-hassle, cookie-cutter website. At present over 40 local community sites run on the platform.

Views query alter methods

Views is a fantastic module that allows you to build complex database queries through configuration. However, I've found that a weird variation of the 80/20 rule applies to views: 80% of the time, the configuration will get you 100% of what you want, but 20% of the time, it will only get you 80% of what you want. That's where the views hooks are handy, especially hook_views_query_alter. I've used this many times - adding a where clause, modifying a field, etc.

Abdu'l-Bahá in America

2010 - Present

This website commemorates the 1912 visit of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, then head of the Bahá'í Faith, to America. It is a complex site built on Drupal 6 which makes heavy use of taxonomy, views, cck and imagecache.


November 2008 - August 2009

Yoursphere is a COPPA-compliant social networking site for kids and teens, similar to Facebook and Myspace but with safety and identity verification features that set new standards for social networks.

David Hunt Music

2002 - Present

For about 15 years I subsisted as a singer/songwriter. As I have gradually switched over to web development, my music site has periodically provided me with a place to synthesize my knowledge and experience.

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